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Search results for: brand patterning

Blog: The Shining

SHELF EPIPHANY, RETAIL DESIGN, BRAND STORYTELLING AND SHINING ––––––––––––– I was talking to a client about the concept of the shine. Walking the street, I spied this installation — a shine brush in a window. And it urged a meditation on the allegory of shining....

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Blog: You Could Be No Where

These Days, People Work Anywhere; and Brands, Their Stories, Can Live Anywhere. But they can’t be nowhere. Everything needs a place. The nature of the seamless world, presumes an osmotic fluency — content, storytelling, wonderment, spectacle and experience...

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THE AUTHENTICITY OF THE TRUE Real people, real brands, enterprises that are true. Have you been with someone, a person, a brand, that’s untrue — to you? You had an impression, then you went to “meet” them, work with them, buy from them —...

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Blog: Optimism is Optimal

The word, the work, that optimizes Working in NYC, I was rifling through my wallet, heading downtown to the office, I pulled my subway card — which I’d noted in an earlier overview. Optimism, the MTA card There’s a word, that word — placed...

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Blog: The Scent of Man

Exploring the Place of Masculine Fume: the Mind, the Memory, the Mystery of Maleness. There are those that might propose that any man being preoccupied with the idea of scent is a fool. What comes to mind is the self-styled buck that gets on the elevator wafting a...

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