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Search results for: wowness

Blog: Where are you?

Defining locality and brand presence What is on the surface and lies beneath? I was walking in the dark — that, a metaphor unto itself — and looking on the street, with the light filtering and flickering in the wind-riven trees, casting quivering shadows...

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Blog: The Sound and the Fury

The Acoustical Messages of Place In my study of experience narrative design and the experiencer in place — for me and for others — I ponder the notion of sound. As a designer of places to be, to tell stories, to share ideas and products, to evoke comfort,...

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THE SOULFUL BRAND There is a proposition that a brand can have soul. That a brand, as a presence built by humans, can have a warmth of intention. Intention is the grasp, literally, to stretch out. What does the reach of a brand re-present? Any brand starts with an...

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The journey of the answer. Anytime you have an answer, there was a question before. And any question is a quest — it’s a journey, from one place of comprehension, the grip of knowing, to the pathway to a step of insight. And in that in sight, you see in. I...

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Blog: Happy Mother's Day

The Mothering of The Mother In my journey, I’ve studied the creative molding process as a man driven and bidden by the magicspell of making. In college, the 70s, I read Erich Neumann’s monumental undertaking “The Great Mother” which was...

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Blog: What "space" do you live in?

Isn’t it so — that you find your space — and, it’s you, your story, that will define and make your own place? I walked into a painter’s workplace, a studio – in NYC. It was, to all expectations of pretense, a good studio, a study in...

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Blog: The Cult of the Sigil

Designing Magic: The Draft of the Letter as the Quest for Mystery Everyone knows that occult really means hidden. But in that, one might surmise that the Cult of the Occult would be nothing more than the quest for the hidden. I probably live there, in more ways than...

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