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Search results for: hard working

Blog: The mystery of design

The mystery of design | drafting design as talismans, amulets, portals and gatekeepers An old sign in Paris Working with Pierre Dinand, [and, noted herewith, that collaboration, here] in Paris — in the making of a shopfront signing, lasercut from solid brass,...

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Blog: You Could Be No Where

These Days, People Work Anywhere; and Brands, Their Stories, Can Live Anywhere. But they can’t be nowhere. Everything needs a place. The nature of the seamless world, presumes an osmotic fluency — content, storytelling, wonderment, spectacle and experience...

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Blog: Howard Schultz: The spin of the human brand, foundations and visioning, too far flung?

Howard Schultz: The spin of the human brand, foundations and visioning, too far flung? Starbucks | Store one The spirit of the impassioned leader or founder speaks from the heart, which can drive everything, top down. Spirit sparks spin — which isn’t just...

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Blog: The scent of smoke

Sitting, working, early this morning — there’s smoke wafting in the studio. It’s too dark outside for there to be any other light — none emerges from the old building, studio windows – an old class room. The scent of this is old wood...

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