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Search results for: wowness

Blog: I’m Okay, You’re OK.

What is Okay, anyway? I was thinking about the notion of OK, what’s that mean, really? The state of Okayness seems mediocre — it’s a condition where things are simply “all right,” alright. All is right? What’s rightness, a place of...

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Blog: The Stage of a Journey: Rest

Meditations on Respite I was thinking about a remark from Tom Ford, that, to him, the greatest luxury is “sleep.” According to Dawn Mello — in a dinner conversation with her and her pal, Dawn A. Clark — when she was working with Tom Ford, at...

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Blog: The doorway

The Opening of the Next Portal I went through the door from the darkened interior to the light. There is some historical significance to the door — I think of every door step as a metaphorical movement. The door is a symbol, like a window. It’s a movement...

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Blog: Uplift

We’re all looking for the right answer, and the better outlook after the challenging sequences of the last couple of years. We’re looking for yes. Anytime you have an answer, there was a question before. And any question is a quest— it’s a journey, from one...

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Blog: Quietude

The Complications of Content I was talking to a friend about cabling, chargers and hardware. Often, when I’m traveling, I’m roving. Moving from place to place. Others, happily desk bound, working in situ, they’re sending me texts: “please call...

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Blog: Sparklers

Sparking innovation and change. There is legitimacy to the metaphor of Fire. Girvin, the team — and Girvin, the family — are fierce lovers of fire. We’ve noted that earlier. But any fire starts with a spark, which can be the beginning of a perceived...

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