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Search results for: insight


THE JOURNEY FROM MIND TO KEYBOARD AND THE FLUENCY OF THE FIST, IN-HAND, FINGERED — handwritten –– Thought-bound, WORDS, POEMS AND HEARTS DRAWN OUT LARGE. There is more to handwriting than one might expect. We’ve talked about the nature of design and the signature —...

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Blog: Stand in, stand back

Studying the journey of brand, and those that gather around them. How close in are you? You say you know, but is that just you? Or others? I was working with a team in Texas, and we were talking about modeling brand relationships — how does a brand team synchronize...

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The journey of the answer. Anytime you have an answer, there was a question before. And any question is a quest — it’s a journey, from one place of comprehension, the grip of knowing, to the pathway to a step of insight. And in that in sight, you see in. I...

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Blog: What Do You Wonder At?

Wonderment and Wow. I realized that for me, the sense of wow, and the state of wowness, suggests the bridge to wonderment. I’ve written about wow in the past. Wow is a Scottish word from the 1500s — and it links to amazement. One might suggest that to be...

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Blog: Where are you?

Defining locality and brand presence What is on the surface and lies beneath? I was walking in the dark — that, a metaphor unto itself — and looking on the street, with the light filtering and flickering in the wind-riven trees, casting quivering shadows...

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Blog: The Work of Everyday

The Journal of the Practice There is one thing we cannot forget, and that is memory itself. In 40 years of actively designing, working on design and writing and speaking on design practice and innovation, I recall the labyrinthine journey of that involvement....

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