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Search results for: brand patterning

Project: You Go Natural

You Go Natural The Challenge A natural progression YGN founder Monique Little approached GIRVIN to help better express her brand through its packaging and better connect with her customer base—women and men who want to style and protect their naturally beautiful hair....

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Blog: Ever Quest, The Journey Forward 2023

THE EXPLORATION OF THE PERSONAL JOURNEY, FIREBRAND, STORYTELLING AND THE QUEST FOR THE NEXT, THE NEW, IN THE REFRESHED HORIZON. Each of us—we get out there—the farther reach beyond our circle. We walk out there, further, in some manner. To each, they take their own...

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Blog: What is the way, found?

What is the way, found? I was thinking about this. In the context of the work that you do. And what we do. I’ve wondered about that, the character of being lost, being found. Finding your way. And there’s a part of the work that we do that is just about that — helping...

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