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Search results for: space place

Blog: Crafted by Hand

Designing a World: Bears, Children, Wonderment and Michele Clise Ophelia’s World [Ophelia, showing above] Now and then, you get a chance to work on a project, or a succession of them, that might be reaching out to the edge of “what’s that,...

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Blog: The flow of Flowers

Drawing People [in] with Flowers, the Flow of Story in the Craft of Rendering Ideas In my beginnings, I drew flowers — and sold them as art pieces and gifts; then, at Christmas, I did groupings of flowers, silkscreened and signed in limited editions of...

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Blog: I was so dirty

The waft of scent and memory — deep fragrances from the earth, the forest, dark smoke and fire I was so dirty, with scent: the power of perfume, dirt, darkness and memory Lying on my bed, in a darkened bedroom, painted a deep, raven-dark purple, I was looking at...

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