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Search results for: space place

Blog: Look out, lookout | Brand Sentinels

The Outlook, the Lookout and Looking Out And looking in, to Brand Experience Design. As designers, we’re looking in, and looking out. And in our experience with brand management, it’s never, alone, only the looking in — the insights of inner seeing. But too, it’s the...

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Blog: The signature

The signature is a marking, a signing, that links the gesture of the hand, the fingertips, the wrist, the arm to the mind. It’s a kind of drawing of the mind — your signature is the reflection of your intelligence. That is, I suppose, the character of...

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Blog: If You Go Somewhere.

Get In There. Get Dirty. Get Deep. Digging Into Experience and Brand Learning. The Strategy of Story, Name, Journey. In every moment, there is a journey. The tiny steps of an instant, make up the chronology of a stride to the cartography of a longer journey, a path...

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Blog: Quietude

The Complications of Content I was talking to a friend about cabling, chargers and hardware. Often, when I’m traveling, I’m roving. Moving from place to place. Others, happily desk bound, working in situ, they’re sending me texts: “please call...

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Blog: The Tarot of Your Journey

Designing Divination — the Craft of your Path Built by Hand and Shown in the Throw The pick of the draw — and the drawing out, the woven journey, the thread of path, and the cartography of the psyche. What you see is what you get; what you get is what you...

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