
GIRVIN | Nintendo+Tetris

DESIGNING LOGOS AS A PUZZLE MASTERY SOLUTION Everything’s a puzzle, in a manner of speaking—each game is a labyrinthine array of choices, that play to decision-making that, in amazement, leads to the conclusion, a win or the continuation of another game. In the legacy...


We’re all looking for the right answer, and the better outlook after the challenging sequences of the last couple of years. We’re looking for yes. Anytime you have an answer, there was a question before. And any question is a quest— it’s a journey, from one...

Fragrance, Journey & *Experientiality

STORYTELLING PERFUME AND THE SENSATION OF PLACE THE WANDERING WONDERMENT: AN EXPLORATION OF MEMORY AND SCENT I’m walking the city, or the forest, or the beach— and what comes forth? “What’s that smell? It reminds me of…” Scent memory: it’s right in the front of the...