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Search results for: DESIGN THE SIGNATURE

Project: Oh Baby Lingerie

Oh Baby Lingerie The Challenge It’s Your Baby GIRVIN’s team partnered in a brand refreshment assignment to retain some core brand elements and refurbish all brand attributes in support of every touchpoint for the Oh Baby brand. This included a logo refresh with...

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Project: The Yogurt Culture Company

Yogurt Culture Company The Challenge Yogurt-a try this Dannon sought our help to explore the idea and potential framework for their first retail store: a fresh and frozen boutique yogurt shop in New York City. Their mission was to provide an all-natural, farm-fresh...

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Project: Sogo

SOGO The Challenge All that, and Osaka chic Sogo, a venerable Japanese shopping Mecca that ultimately established stores in places as far flung as Beijing, Hong Kong, Taipei, Jakarta & Surabaya, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok and London, was originally founded in 1830 in...

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