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Search results for: type design

Project: Sally Beauty | Venique

Sally BeautyVenique Sally Beauty Holdings, Inc. is an international specialty retailer and distributor of professional beauty supplies, offering products for hair, skin, and nails through professional lines as well as an extensive selection of proprietary merchandise....

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Blog: The Seeing Hand

And the Emotions of The Skin The realm of touch and brand holism. There are people that talk about their 360º branding experience. I talk to them, walk a ways with them. And watch. When you think about brand experience, the query point will be what feeling does the...

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Blog: Deep Smoke

The Design of Fragrances From The Forest Sometimes, it’s a ritual. A gathering of clans, spirits, prayers and reaching to another place, the plane of the unseen. Sometimes, it’s just fire, smoke and the vapors of translation — from woods and grasses...

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Blog: Could you feel me?

Feeling in the world of design, sensation and brand In the midst of scientific tabulation, the downloading of massive arrays of data, the swirls of crowds, the whorls of trend and the waves of movement, it might be said that ultimately it will come down to one thing:...

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