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Search results for: hard working


SLOW BUT SURE Meditations on focus and acceleration—you are here, you are where? We preach that directed attention is a meaningful strategic pathway that brand teams need to use towards the most focused clustering of ideals and inspiration, soulfulness and integrative...

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CONTEMPLATIONS ON THE LOVE OF BEING. AND THE PLACE OF HAPPINESS. YOU COULD LOVE BEING. HAPPY. You get around, you look and you learn. Borobudur, Java And when you really get around, go deeper out there; you can see people that—to our view—might be experiencing deep...

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Project: Video Games

Video Games Overview Legends and legacies Our involvement with video gaming began unexpectedly after being approached by Nintendo of USA to design a Christmas Card. Around that time, Nintendo of Japan was beginning to make its first forays into the US market, and...

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Project: Transderma

Transderma The Challenge Expanding the Market Dr. Alvin Ronlán and Graziella Gallelli Ronlán of the Swedish company Transderma Serums, make a science-based line of skincare products. They called on to GIRVIN to re-evaluate how their company presents itself to the...

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Project: Sogo

SOGO The Challenge All that, and Osaka chic Sogo, a venerable Japanese shopping Mecca that ultimately established stores in places as far flung as Beijing, Hong Kong, Taipei, Jakarta & Surabaya, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok and London, was originally founded in 1830 in...

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