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Search results for: truth be told

Blog: The symbolism of the circle

I’d written a couple of weeks back about the enso, the zenga brush-drawn circles of the Zen masters, as a statement of satori and the enlightened condition. There’s more, to the notion of the symbology of the circle, as a gesture of containment and...

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Project: Heifer International

Heifer International The Challenge A Hefty Mission Heifer International, established in 1944, gave the gift of livestock to families in need. Since then, Heifer has become an organization that helps build self-reliant communities worldwide. The Heifer Project educates...

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Blog: Get your hands off that! Don’t touch!

How many times—thinking about it personally—have you been told that? Don’t touch! Hey, don’t even think about touching that! Hand’s off—not for you! Please, just look—no touching! Mostly, these days, I don’t ask, don’t look around for approvals, I just touch— unless...

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