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Search results for: metaphorical thinking

Blog: Emergency Branding

Brand Medicine, 101. In our history, there are times when brand, their organic systems, begin to falter. — They don’t speak to a community, or they forgot who they were talking to, what they were relating, carrying a story and a product to a certain audience. As in...

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Blog: The Concept of The Thing

What is the thing? As in every thing, I begin as a writer, I look into the heart and history of words, to learn more about their original heat — what was their sparking ignition? I contemplate my use of many words as deeper meditations on patterning. Where did the...

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Blog: The Cult of the Sigil

Designing Magic: The Draft of the Letter as the Quest for Mystery Everyone knows that occult really means hidden. But in that, one might surmise that the Cult of the Occult would be nothing more than the quest for the hidden. I probably live there, in more ways than...

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Blog: Go slo, mo.

Could you go slow? In the incipient need for speed that rattles through the channels of our experience, could that potentially be slowed way down? To see and sense more? Take a moment. When I travel, working on brands around the world, I try to come into a place slow....

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Blog: Look out, lookout | Brand Sentinels

The Outlook, the Lookout and Looking Out And looking in, to Brand Experience Design. As designers, we’re looking in, and looking out. And in our experience with brand management, it’s never, alone, only the looking in — the insights of inner seeing. But too, it’s the...

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Blog: Mystery Brands

Brands That Live in the Dark Is there ever a brand that lives on the quiet side, unknown, unseen — but quested after? Can you think of one? If you’re a searcher for the unknown, you walk out to where others do not. You go where others care not to linger....

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Blog: Happy Mother's Day

The Mothering of The Mother In my journey, I’ve studied the creative molding process as a man driven and bidden by the magicspell of making. In college, the 70s, I read Erich Neumann’s monumental undertaking “The Great Mother” which was...

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