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Search results for: metaphorical thinking

Blog: Data

HOW DO YOU SEE INFORMATION AS A STORY? Visualizing and organizing the perception of information Cinematic interface design as a reference to example Image above: © Cruise/Wagner + Amblin Entertainment It might be said that the rise of infographics — visualizing,...

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Blog: Start-up Wisdom

Start-up Brand Lessons from Steve Jobs, the Wachowski Brothers and Stan Lee. By Tim Girvin — with Social Media commentaries and recommendations by Fletcher Helle When there is a lesson to be learned, listening makes for the best course of cumulative action. Learn and...

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Blog: The Icon of You

Personal Brands, Totems and Emblems Why does Tim Girvin love crows and ravens? It was just posted, again — a group of images on crows and ravens tagged “for Tim Girvin.” While that was happening, that posting, I was looking at an entity that was clearly looking at me...

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Blog: The Aesthetics of Aging

The Beauty of Rust Antiquity, Utility, Wabi Sabi and Beauty In one person’s eyes, as an object gets older, it cracks, it discolors — and it might rust. Okay, one approach — toss it out. Get rid of it. And contrary to that — another more classical line of thinking:...

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The Quest for the Hidden, the Secret and the Occult In the journey — for each of us — we might find a certain fascination with that which isn’t allowed, that which is hidden, forbidden, the dark. Fascination speaks, in its history, to fire and spellbinding,...

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Blog: The Mother

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY Celebrating the Mysteries of The Mother In my journey thus far, I’ve studied the hand-making of things, the creative molding process as a person driven and bidden by the magic spell of making. But that making is a deeper realm, held in the...

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Blog: Soul Place

The Quest for Soulful Places As a designer, I find that the work on converting spaces to more meaningful places, which more often than not has to do with the very journey of what soul is supposed to be. Soul is a ancient seed sound — a voicing — for sea, and the point...

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