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Search results for: truth be told


THE JOURNEY FROM MIND TO KEYBOARD AND THE FLUENCY OF THE FIST, IN-HAND, FINGERED — handwritten –– Thought-bound, WORDS, POEMS AND HEARTS DRAWN OUT LARGE. There is more to handwriting than one might expect. We’ve talked about the nature of design and the signature —...

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Blog: Go slo, mo.

Could you go slow? In the incipient need for speed that rattles through the channels of our experience, could that potentially be slowed way down? To see and sense more? Take a moment. When I travel, working on brands around the world, I try to come into a place slow....

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Blog: This Is For You

The Power of Person to Person I was working in San Francisco, walking the streets of Chinatown and contemplating the nature of the work that we all do. It’s a gate, to a bridge, a point of transition — from one step to another. And the portal to a person....

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