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Search results for: innovation / CHANGE

Blog: The Rainbow Garden of Herbs

A LEGACY AND LETTERFORM LANDMARK FOR RAINBOW MAGAZINE CALLIGRAPHY AS MAGIC When it comes up to it, the making of marks is an inherently magical proposition; that is: magic is definable as a insight and plane changer. It transforms perception and meaning in the...

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WALKING THE LONG WAY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH: ANDY GOLDSWORTHY MEDITATIONS ON YOU AND YOUR EARTH. Each of us has a relationship to the Earth, what we know of her, how we’ve traveled her pathways, what doors we might have seen and how, perhaps, we have opened them....

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Blog: CUMULAR thinking

Cumular Thinking: Crowdsourcing minds and gathering the principles of cumularity Mist and collective examination of the mystery of ideas — The Cloud mind: the metaphor of fluent vapor — the clouded allegory in the context of computing, burgeoning creative, a...

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The study of the Fifth Century Legacy of Chinese Painting Scholar, Practitioner and Theorist: Hsieh Ho “Energy is eternal delight”. William Blake Earlier in my career, decades back, I was exposed to the study of classical Chinese art theory and its applications to...

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