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Search results for: wowness

Blog: The Mechanics of Fear and Creativity

As a designer, a brand person, a journeyer, a wanderer, what know you of fear? I contemplate: metus | fear. Things are arranged; then they are rearranged. Things are stable, then they are unstable. What do you hold to: that which is arranged, that which is not? Is...

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THE JOURNEY OF DISCOVERING IS NEVER A STRAIGHT LINE Brand. Place. Team. Community. Who is it, where is it, what is it, who are we talking to? When there is a new inquiry — a brand to be evolved and rebooted in some manner — I make it a point to get out there, wander...

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Blog: Arts and Leisure?

Isn’t art work? There’s an interesting proposition that art, aligned with leisure, is something relaxing and “easy.” I might offer that the making of art, the impassioned creativity, is never something easy. But instead, with the exception of those in the throes of...

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Blog: Is your brand athletic?

In the game of games, resilience, strength, perception matter. So too in brands. To the allegory of sports, as a gamesman, I tend to contemplate allegory, conceptual alignments, metaphors. Think poetry. Flow. Focus. Speed. Strength. Perception. Flow: In the grace of...

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Blog: The Cult of the Sigil

Designing Magic: The Draft of the Letter as the Quest for Mystery Everyone knows that occult really means hidden. But in that, one might surmise that the Cult of the Occult would be nothing more than the quest for the hidden. I probably live there, in more ways than...

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Blog: What "space" do you live in?

Isn’t it so — that you find your space — and, it’s you, your story, that will define and make your own place? I walked into a painter’s workplace, a studio – in NYC. It was, to all expectations of pretense, a good studio, a study in...

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Blog: Happy Mother's Day

The Mothering of The Mother In my journey, I’ve studied the creative molding process as a man driven and bidden by the magicspell of making. In college, the 70s, I read Erich Neumann’s monumental undertaking “The Great Mother” which was...

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The journey of the answer. Anytime you have an answer, there was a question before. And any question is a quest — it’s a journey, from one place of comprehension, the grip of knowing, to the pathway to a step of insight. And in that in sight, you see in. I...

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