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Search results for: truth be told

Blog: Luxury in China

Let’s start at the beginning point of our earlier conversations; branding is about people. It’s not merely about the growth figures; there’s no growth if people don’t get the story. The real point, however, is about what luxury means; yes –...

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Blog: Storytelling

Bill Virgin, Seattle PI To the nature of shifting marketing, to marketing environments…I’d offer this: We tend to visualize the shifting of messages, for businesses, as a tuning of the story. So if there’s the implication that a brand, for example,...

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Project: Custom Lettering

Custom Lettering Overview Logotypes and typefaces All of the logotypes and typefaces we build are custom made for each client, bespoke for each scenario—from identity work to promotional purposes to extending design language across multiple platforms. Here, we...

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Blog: Into the Rave[n]

The Quest for Creative Inspiration, Imagination and Personal Iconography I photographed this bird in the Himalaya— in Bhutan, a place of the Raven Gods. As some know, I have a long history with Ravens—the birds. This comes from earlier, childhood and mystical...

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