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Search results for: retail

Blog: The Hand Speaks

The Grace of Handwriting: Soul Drawings It is the physiological nature of our being that what the hand offers reaches back to the psychical current of the mind. In the journey of drawing, learning the way of The Seeing Hand, I was studying the treasury of master...

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Blog: What is your style?

The Signature of Your Presence You have style. Sure, there are your clothes. Your shoes. Your hair Your house, your apartment, your car — and the summary of your brand relationships. Then there is the style of you. Who are you — what do you stand for? What do you care...

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Blog: The Script of Being

Who are you, anyway? In several recent conversations with client companies, there has been a gesture to a kind of invention — like: “make me something I’m not.” “trying to look, speak, sound and feel like something” else. “I don’t like how we look.”...

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Blog: You Are Nowhere

Brands That Have Nothing To Say. As a designer, I think about layers. And I think about messages. Content. Holism. Contentment. Direction. There is a sign, but it’s empty. It has nothing to say, no place that it points. It’s nowhere. Like experiences that move from a...

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Blog: Emergency Branding

Brand Medicine, 101. In our history, there are times when brand, their organic systems, begin to falter. — They don’t speak to a community, or they forgot who they were talking to, what they were relating, carrying a story and a product to a certain audience. As in...

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Blog: The Perfume of Books

Studying the Holism of Textual Contemplation [Reading]. In a manner, everything we do as designers comes back to an attribute of reading — that is: how we hold something, how we touch, taste, smell, hear, seek balance and intuit content are all manners of reading...

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Blog: Icelandic design

Exploring Design | Culture | Place: Iceland and a Graphical History In the journey of anyplace, anywhere, there is a re-counting, as you walk back in time, you count your moments and you gather up your steps, in recounting. And sometimes that striding will take you...

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Blog: Can you get thru?

The inward and outward flow of brand experience design. I was trying to make a connection with a team, a brand, and — like most of you — I was on-hold, then waiting, then holding, then waiting — and finally; and I was passed along to another, who had no clue about my...

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