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I’m looking for paths. The turning — Every thing turns and spins in its order. What? That? I’ve been out, looking at the stars, pondering the turning — and now, the great waves, that roar and roll, persistently. Listening to the water — the turning and churning, waves...

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Blog: The Sign That Has No Name

Rangelands, New Mexico — a long and blank expanse. Then there’s a sign. But it’s presuming something: you know where you’re going. I was transversing high desert rangelands, crossing the state, in a journey to a Monastery out in the desert. On the way there, I saw a...

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Blog: Focusing

Focusing: the Flow of Ideas, Strokes and Inspiration: Teaching Calligraphy and Designed Exploration A study of letterforms, the calligraphic drawing of educational references, paleography and alphabetic history, photographic brand boards, broadsides on rhythm and...

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