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Search results for: innovation / CHANGE

Blog: The Work of Everyday

The Journal of the Practice There is one thing we cannot forget, and that is memory itself. In 40 years of actively designing, working on design and writing and speaking on design practice and innovation, I recall the labyrinthine journey of that involvement....

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Blog: The ring

The metaphor of the Rod, the Ring, the Line, the Circle. I think symbolically: when I try to find the answer to a problem, I draw it out. And for me, it’s that: “drawing it out.” Like a string, a line, a movement. A dance. The idea of a stroke having...

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Blog: The Threading of Ideas

The Metaphor of the String I was thinking about the symbolism of weaving, having met with some weavers. Ephesus | Weavers Collective I watched them set the foundational warp, and then shuttling, back and forth, the patterning of the weft. It’s delicate work. And...

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Blog: Posting posters

Billboarding, postering the story in the story in the story. [Imagery from PSFK] We’ve designed dozens of posters, an earlier legacy of work. But we love this Black Sabbath promotion, pointed out by Daniela Walker and “DaBitch.” As Daniela notes,...

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