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Search results for: space place

Blog: Brand Patterning

Creating organically realized places with conceptually founded pattern language I was walking a forest, looking at its pattern language — the light, the array of the trees, the patterning of Light on the forest floor, the tread of footprints in the shadowed light of...

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Blog: What "space" do you live in?

Isn’t it so — that you find your space — and, it’s you, your story, that will define and make your own place? I walked into a painter’s workplace, a studio – in NYC. It was, to all expectations of pretense, a good studio, a study in...

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Blog: Soul Place

The Quest for Soulful Places As a designer, I find that the work on converting spaces to more meaningful places, which more often than not has to do with the very journey of what soul is supposed to be. Soul is a ancient seed sound — a voicing — for sea, and the point...

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There’s a distinction between the sensation of raw space, and the making of place – – a place to be, that can be, held. The nature of holding is about warmth, holding — being held. Etymologically, it might be offered that “relating”...

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