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Search results for: iron man

Blog: Paul Bertolli

Working with a master. Sometime, ranging a year or more back, I’d worked with Paul Bertolli. And a friend — Stephen Darland. Stephen was the one that introduced me; and he and Paul needed help in defining, creating a brand that evolved around the concept...

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Blog: Breathe

I went to this screening the other night, and it was the (hi)story of a young man, and later, accomplished sound designer, who grew up in the Bronx. Or maybe Brooklyn. Queens? Anyway, his childhood was, in some words, a kind of incessant trial by fire. It was like...

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Blog: TED / Three +…

Okay, so I’ve been busy, and trying to fill out the remaining days has taken time. Days, right? Daze, right? Like a week or so, really. And there’s more, too. More learnings — and of course, so much more learning that it took me a couple of daze to...

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Blog: She

There was all ways the myth of the beginning in her, that was un-named and known as force of making, Matrix and in that mystery, found, burdened, measured then lost in the fool that was man. The scent of the beginning drifted away, yet remains [ p e r f u m e ] in the...

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Blog: The Prize

There’s an unusual component to TED, driven by Chris Anderson’s visioning, and Sapling Foundation’s fueling of the ultimate goal of the event, and TEDs bigger planetary role. And what do I really know about it, being a TED virgin? Not much, but what...

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