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Search results for: human brand

Blog: BrandSpirit

The Quest for Heart and Soul in Branding While it’s been suggested by some that “brands can’t have a soul,” it might be proffered that the inherent intimacy of branding to humanity imparts that they have a character that is imbued with a soul-like intentionality —...

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Blog: Stand in, stand back

Studying the journey of brand, and those that gather around them. How close in are you? You say you know, but is that just you? Or others? I was working with a team in Texas, and we were talking about modeling brand relationships — how does a brand team synchronize...

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Blog: Brand Signature

SIGNING A BRAND: BRAND SIGNATURES, HUMAN HANDWRITING AND ATTRIBUTION Examining the idea of brand, signature and personality I was thinking about the idea of hand-writing and the character of the person. By a typical extrapolation, I’d liken the brand to the human — in...

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