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Search results for: movie titling and identity

Project: Video Games

Video Games Overview Legends and legacies Our involvement with video gaming began unexpectedly after being approached by Nintendo of USA to design a Christmas Card. Around that time, Nintendo of Japan was beginning to make its first forays into the US market, and...

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Seek Beauty Broadbased

Strategic Branding & Design Seattle |  San Francisco | New York | Tokyo Selected Projects Evolution of your brand identity can be a powerful marketing toolto re-energize your audience and build a larger consumer base. Evolution of your brand identity can be a...

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Seek Beauty Food

Strategic Branding & Design Seattle |  San Francisco | New York | Tokyo Selected Projects Evolution of your brand identity can be a powerful marketing toolto re-energize your audience and build a larger consumer base. Evolution of your brand identity can be a...

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Seek Beauty

Strategic Branding & Design Seattle |  San Francisco | New York | Tokyo Selected Projects Evolution of your brand identity can be a powerful marketing toolto re-energize your audience and build a larger consumer base. Evolution of your brand identity can be a...

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LURYX DUTY-FREE The Challenge The linguistics of luxury Latin American Duty Free retail brand group, Top Brands International, located in Panama City, Panama, needed a new name and brand for their rapidly growing luxury shops situated across Latin America and the...

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MODE STUDIOS THE NODES OF MODE In a string of collaborations, the GIRVIN team has partnered with the Bonniol creative leadership in masterful lighting and event-related cooperative design scenarios. The Bonniol’s leadership of MODE has led to powerfuly orchestrated...

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Project: Holiday Inn

Toast to Toast Restaurant Pilot In collaboration with Culinary Options, GIRVIN worked with the team at IHG Holiday Inn to develop first one, and then two locations for restaurant pilot concepts to test the workability of a hotel restaurant amenity that is warm and...

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