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Search results for: experience design place making

Blog: The Design of Shadows

DESIGNING THE SHADOW WORLD What Have You Seen of the Shadow World? In any journey, the question is never just what is on the surface, but what lies behind and beneath. It’s never about what you see in clarity alone, but what lies behind the Light. And what the Light...

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Blog: Light

In the spirit of light, storytelling illumination. The character of what can be seen, in scene, the drama of Light. As an intensely curious person — a person that seeks out answers by finding the people that build things, do things, make things, one of my...

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Blog: The Scent of Man

Exploring the Place of Masculine Fume: the Mind, the Memory, the Mystery of Maleness. There are those that might propose that any man being preoccupied with the idea of scent is a fool. What comes to mind is the self-styled buck that gets on the elevator wafting a...

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