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Search results for: momentum and moment

Blog: Brand symbolism

When you look, you find. In working on a brand development project in eastern Washington, I was walking their vineyard to get, literally, the lay of the land. And, I’m looking for what lies beneath, what lies inside the brand story. And in any brand development,...

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Blog: Quietude

The Complications of Content I was talking to a friend about cabling, chargers and hardware. Often, when I’m traveling, I’m roving. Moving from place to place. Others, happily desk bound, working in situ, they’re sending me texts: “please call...

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Blog: Zen and Branding

The Contemplative Walk My earlier studies of Thich Nhat Hanh revolved around the walking meditation — grounding into the earth, walking, breathing, contemplating the open stride; that mindful, mindless walk, open-to-the-moment ambulatory meditation. Being in,...

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Blog: The Sound and the Fury

The Acoustical Messages of Place In my study of experience narrative design and the experiencer in place — for me and for others — I ponder the notion of sound. As a designer of places to be, to tell stories, to share ideas and products, to evoke comfort,...

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