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Search results for: blog brandcode


The study of the Fifth Century Legacy of Chinese Painting Scholar, Practitioner and Theorist: Hsieh Ho “Energy is eternal delight”. William Blake Earlier in my career, decades back, I was exposed to the study of classical Chinese art theory and its applications to...

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Blog: Brand Magnetism

What do you know? The mystery of mind, message and meaning. I was thinking about that question — someone asked me: “well, what’cha know?” And I contemplated the depth of the question. It’s just as powerful as “what’s your story?” I thought about it: “really, what do I...

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Blog: Soul Finding

BEARING YOUR SOUL DIGGING IN FOR THE SOUL OF BRANDS I was writing a piece, earlier today, on the concept of baring — that idea of revealing, versus the other similarly sounding expression of bearing — which is more like “carrying” something. To bare, to lay open,...

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Blog: Night is drawing nigh, drawing at night

Working at Night — Night is Drawing Nigh Working at night, working at candlelight. Seeing by fire. Some nights back, as I was on the farther shore, waiting for the night boat to come crossing, I was drawing in the dark, with light. Dawn was shooting these images, with...

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