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Search results for: bespoke craft

Blog: d.Log

I believe in this, to the action of staying creative: The real presumption is that you are creative in the first place. Sometimes people who run creative enterprises are, in fact, great at running organizations, but less so to the challenges of creative activations....

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Project: Motion Pictures

Motion Pictures Overview Legends and legacies We believe story is the heart of everything. Listening to stories is the way of the world. Seeing them, absorbing them, is one of the most powerful and beautiful evocations of human experience. GIRVIN has been working with...

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Project: Sebastian Professional

Sebastian The Challenge Untamed Beauty To craft a compelling brand story for Sebastian International, the GIRVIN team studied the genetics of the brand, the family and its history to establish a foundation. Then we convened with the spirited and assertive team of...

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Project: Leigh Hearon

Leigh Hearon The Challenge Crime Craft Leigh Hearon, prolific PI and author, approached GIRVIN to redesign the cover art for her cozy-crime quartet featuring the intrepid horse-trainer heroine Annie Carson. The original AI-generated art had little to do with the...

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