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Search results for: movie titling and identity

Blog: Matt Groening

Matt Groening & Tim Girvin: Cartooned life Meditations on careers, creative and titles. I met Matt Groening first at TED, 2007. More often than not, people have said that the big connection that I have with college is cartooning. “Hey, you’re from the...

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Project: Julie Campbell Design

Julie Campbell Design The Challenge Striving for Art Blanche Julie Campbell, entrepreneur and designer and curator of a diverse collection of decor, art and craft related products, came to GIRVIN seeking to devise a unified platform on which she could provide her...

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Project: Pattern Computer

Pattern Computer The Challenge Higher-level thinking After supporting the initial unveiling of their proprietary Pattern Discovery EngineTM in 2018, GIRVIN was later tasked by Pattern Computer to launch into the next phase of their reach into public awareness that...

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