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Search results for: bespoke craft

Blog: Optimism is Optimal

The word, the work, that optimizes Working in NYC, I was rifling through my wallet, heading downtown to the office, I pulled my subway card — which I’d noted in an earlier overview. Optimism, the MTA card There’s a word, that word — placed...

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While you’re looking out, traveling the distant vista — a long road, the living running — the journey shall continue. And who said it would be easy? Craft, in the making of anything, building the outbound relationships to people, in the truth of it,...

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Blog: I Hate Perfume

Perfume Environments: The Scent Visioning of Christopher Brosius Window display, Brosius I’d tried to link to Brosius live, but couldn’t since he was working on project, one that he was focusing on. I did see him at his shop, but held my tongue in reaching...

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