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Search results for: innovation / CHANGE

Blog: Start-up Wisdom

Start-up Brand Lessons from Steve Jobs, the Wachowski Brothers and Stan Lee. By Tim Girvin — with Social Media commentaries and recommendations by Fletcher Helle When there is a lesson to be learned, listening makes for the best course of cumulative action. Learn and...

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Blog: ZenMind

BRAND KICKSTART: ZEN MIND, BEGINNER’S MIND GIRVIN office lobby working session | Seattle THE IMPETUS OF SPIRITUAL BRANDING — EXPLORING THE CONCEPT OF ZEN IN THE CONSTRUCT OF BRANDING In working with teams, on the implications of their brand, the process is inevitably...

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Blog: The Aesthetics of Aging

The Beauty of Rust Antiquity, Utility, Wabi Sabi and Beauty In one person’s eyes, as an object gets older, it cracks, it discolors — and it might rust. Okay, one approach — toss it out. Get rid of it. And contrary to that — another more classical line of thinking:...

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Blog: Brand Patterning

Creating organically realized places with conceptually founded pattern language I was walking a forest, looking at its pattern language — the light, the array of the trees, the patterning of Light on the forest floor, the tread of footprints in the shadowed light of...

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Blog: Strategies…

Spell-binding and the Magic of Nomenclature Strategies of Naming The Naming of Things THE MYSTICAL ROOTS OF THE GATHERING — AND CALLING — OF NAMES. What is your name? I can speak it not. Name me, and you hold my power. An ancient principle of vocalization...

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