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Search results for: bespoke craft

Blog: The letter

The very center of the work that I do lies here, in the heart of the letterform. There can be just that one touch, that relates to the person. D.4-D. The letter, big or small, translates to content. c1460 G. ASHBY Policy Prince 648 Poems (E.E.T.S.) 33 Yf god sende you...

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THE DEMOGRAPHY OF EVERYONE The Journey to Knowing Who You’re Talking To As a designer, you need to design to craft and tell stories, create messages and visualizations that connect with people. To link to people’s emotional points of gravity — that...

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Blog: The Tarot of Your Journey

Designing Divination — the Craft of your Path Built by Hand and Shown in the Throw The pick of the draw — and the drawing out, the woven journey, the thread of path, and the cartography of the psyche. What you see is what you get; what you get is what you...

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Blog: The Threading of Ideas

The Metaphor of the String I was thinking about the symbolism of weaving, having met with some weavers. Ephesus | Weavers Collective I watched them set the foundational warp, and then shuttling, back and forth, the patterning of the weft. It’s delicate work. And...

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Blog: Posting posters

Billboarding, postering the story in the story in the story. [Imagery from PSFK] We’ve designed dozens of posters, an earlier legacy of work. But we love this Black Sabbath promotion, pointed out by Daniela Walker and “DaBitch.” As Daniela notes,...

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