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Search results for: magic

Blog: The Icon of You

Personal Brands, Totems and Emblems Why does Tim Girvin love crows and ravens? It was just posted, again — a group of images on crows and ravens tagged “for Tim Girvin.” While that was happening, that posting, I was looking at an entity that was clearly looking at me...

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Blog: All that Wander

ALL THAT WANDER SHALL BE FOUND The Quest for Metaphor, Personal Symbolism and the Iconography of Journey IN THE WORK ON BRAND, the questing strategist invariably finds that — besides the fundamentals of commerce — there are deeper values to the work: there is a...

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Blog: Stories That Feel

BrandStories That Feel Brandstories in the Construct of Emotionality Earlier in our career, I was asked — in the 90s, to present what we thought was the newest context of brand strategy at Building One, downtown Cincinnati, Procter&Gamble. What we thought then was...

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Blog: Soul Place

The Quest for Soulful Places As a designer, I find that the work on converting spaces to more meaningful places, which more often than not has to do with the very journey of what soul is supposed to be. Soul is a ancient seed sound — a voicing — for sea, and the point...

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Blog: Symbolic Emblems

SYMBOLIC EMBLEMS FOR INTERIORS: DESIGNING TALISMANS FOR A PLACE The Journey of Design, Place-making and Creative Environments: Archetypal Signage and Magical Badges As any designer knows, to brand and experience design, there is a link between storytelling and...

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Blog: You Never Know

You just never know. Meditations on exploration and the beauty of being lost, and finding again. As much as you think — “it will go this way” — it just might not. And that way that it does go, it seems, just might be the way that it is meant to be. There are paths,...

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Blog: Wowness | The Condition of Wow

What is wow? Girvin image above: a streetside wow, cast iron, Queen Anne Hill, Seattle. I was writing a proposal and overview for a client. And I used the opening: Wow! That was the first word. I contemplated that, an opening — wow! What is that? I was thinking about...

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Blog: Happy Handwriting Day

According to the Writing Instrument Manufacturers Association (WIMA) website “The purpose of National Handwriting Day is to alert the public to the importance of handwriting. According to WIMA, National Handwriting Day is a chance for all of us to re-explore the...

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