
Explorations | Bhutan | Kuensel

remote connections Kuensel Newspaper On-line Article Link —– At the request of editor Dasho Kinley Dorji, Editor in Chief, Kuensel, Thimphu, Bhutan —- I recently toured Bhutan. And it was a long-held dream for me. Some 40 years earlier, in teaching...

Sustenance, biomimicry and design

I had written to Eartha Kitt about her love of nests — and my fascination of nests and their building — hornets and wasps in particular. https://tim.girvin.com/?p=328 Interestingly, she wrote back. And my Mother had offered another note about the concept...

Tom Cruise

http://www.newyorksocialdiary.com/social-diary/2007/saluting-tom-cruise I’m not sure how I’d connected with your Diary — but somehow I got linked in, some years back. Your little piece on Tom Cruise was happily familiar — and while...


Scent is the most powerful of the five senses. How can companies use scent to attract customers? How can it be used as a marketing tool? It’s important to think of scent as a kind of layering of experience. For example, scent alone won’t instantly...