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Search results for: brand storytelling

Blog: The alphabet and the earth

Images credit The geography of the mind, mapped in place In a way, any drawing that we create, is a kind of signature. Designing is demarcation. And the origin of the alphabet, stretching back 3,500 to 4,000 years ago, to the proto-sinaitic beginnings is, in fact, a...

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Blog: Twitter-out | Twitter-in’

(Twitter founders: Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone, Evan Williams) Jessica B. Lifland | USA TODAY Who stays, who goes? I can’t push too hard on the proposition that I have anything truly ground breaking, in the context of twitterology, the new science of micro-blogging....

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Blog: Roxy Paine | NYC

Madison Park | NYC. 5.22.07 11.23pm People have asked me about the occasional address that I close mails with — TSG | madison park | NYC. What’s that, they say? Are you in a park? Well, sometimes yes. Girvin | NYC is located on 26th + Broadway, just off...

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Project: Video Games

Video Games Overview Legends and legacies Our involvement with video gaming began unexpectedly after being approached by Nintendo of USA to design a Christmas Card. Around that time, Nintendo of Japan was beginning to make its first forays into the US market, and...

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