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Search results for: innovation / CHANGE

Blog: The History of the Hammer

The Tool, the Allegory, the Legend I’ve been using hammers. And collecting old hammers. Have you tried working with multiple hammers, their wood and metal shafts, their weighted mallet heads, explored how they work? The weight, the heft, the swing, the balance, the...

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Everything changes; everything is on fire. Nothing is the same as it was; everything is the same as it shall be. In the mist of experience, it’s all changing — still standards flow, and patterning emerges. While everything is in flux, everything goes as it...

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Blog: Emergency Branding

Brand Medicine, 101. In our history, there are times when brand, their organic systems, begin to falter. — They don’t speak to a community, or they forgot who they were talking to, what they were relating, carrying a story and a product to a certain audience. As in...

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