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Search results for: brand patterning

Blog: Crafted by Hand

Designing a World: Bears, Children, Wonderment and Michele Clise Ophelia’s World [Ophelia, showing above] Now and then, you get a chance to work on a project, or a succession of them, that might be reaching out to the edge of “what’s that,...

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Blog: Posting posters

Billboarding, postering the story in the story in the story. [Imagery from PSFK] We’ve designed dozens of posters, an earlier legacy of work. But we love this Black Sabbath promotion, pointed out by Daniela Walker and “DaBitch.” As Daniela notes,...

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Blog: Are you a Lone Ranger?

In the Journey, who is your companion? Who is your guardian, your guide, your icon, your shepherding guide? Me? Raven and crow, telling. We’ve noted in an earlier blog study, that we’ve been involved in the Lone Ranger, as designers, in the past —...

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Blog: The Wisdom of The Ancients

While I was walking in the woods, the ancient layers told me their stories. [Image above by Justin Kern, altered by Dawn Clark, AIA, LEED AP] When I was young, in NY, my parents took me to the New York City Museum of Natural History [AMNS.] This was a whim reaching to...

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