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Search results for: brand recollective

Blog: Cut me up café! FAB!!!

DIWO @ FAB! Digital Dimension shop, Tokyo, Japan — from Fablab/Japan Hiroya Tanaka & Chiaki Hayashi | Fabcafé / FabLab [co]founders and Fab[lab]Visionaries/p> A CRAFTWORKS Café — collaborative, exploratory, experimental, “hack cultural.”...

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Blog: Beautiful Garbage

There’s a story about beautiful garbage, based on the idea of one person’s — a team — visioning of a litter free place. That being — an alley. In Seattle, the founder team came up with the notion of “dumpster free” alleys, by...

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While you’re looking out, traveling the distant vista — a long road, the living running — the journey shall continue. And who said it would be easy? Craft, in the making of anything, building the outbound relationships to people, in the truth of it,...

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Blog: The Scent of Rot

ROUGH TRADE #3 The Perfume of Refuse, Decomposition and Excrement (The third of three essays on unusual scent strategies) In the beginnings of Das Parfum, authored by Patrick Süskind, there is a grouping of expressions that I’d first read in the original German....

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Blog: 11.11.11 | 11:11:11

ONE | ONE –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– THE ONE ON THE ONE. THE TEN AND THE ONE ALONE. ONE. ONE. ONE. ALL ONE. THE RHYTHM OF THE ONES, AND ALONENESS. Doing the one, the one to one, one million Billion = Ones Oneness | 1ness | the 1 + 1 ––– Sometimes I feel...

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