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Search results for: etymology

Blog: The flow of Flowers

Drawing People [in] with Flowers, the Flow of Story in the Craft of Rendering Ideas In my beginnings, I drew flowers — and sold them as art pieces and gifts; then, at Christmas, I did groupings of flowers, silkscreened and signed in limited editions of...

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Blog: The writing on the wall

The notes of time, presented as a script to presence Are you here, awake, reading the runes on the wall, cast before you? When you look at the walls, what language, what telling, what stories are told to you? I was thinking about the end of the world, as we know it,...

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Blog: Idea Fire tornado

The metaphor of clouds Cloud-watching, the formation of ideas, cloudmind and the wind, the mist of crowds [Image above, the Palouse, Tim Girvin cloud watching — photographed by Dawn A. Clark] Coming from a farming family, I’m a skywatcher. Also, as a...

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Blog: The scent of smoke

Sitting, working, early this morning — there’s smoke wafting in the studio. It’s too dark outside for there to be any other light — none emerges from the old building, studio windows – an old class room. The scent of this is old wood...

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Blog: Tumble

I was thinking about the right ideas, that come from the tumble of those that try, but fail. Those that stumble, and find. These that jumble and arrive at the new. There is tumble, stumble, jumble — and topple. They’re interrelated. Long back, working with...

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