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Search results for: brand storytelling

Blog: The Sign That Has No Name

Rangelands, New Mexico — a long and blank expanse. Then there’s a sign. But it’s presuming something: you know where you’re going. I was transversing high desert rangelands, crossing the state, in a journey to a Monastery out in the desert. On the way there, I saw a...

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Blog: The Labyrinth of Being

Design explorations, teaching and creativity We know what we know by virtue of where we have been, and what we recall of that pathway. As designers and creatives, everything comes from journey. It’s where we’ve been and where we’re going. There are symbols that are...

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Blog: The Aesthetics of Rust

Wabi Sabi and Beauty There is a perspective that things that have lived for a long time are worthy of respect and admiration. Old is more beautiful. You can’t fake old. Wabi Sabi. That Japanese principle of beauty in age comes to a reflection of two principles —...

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Blog: How to Do Nothing

The Art of Spacing In. In the frenzy of our present experience, we all struggle with the ever-unrelenting issue of connectivity. We need to be connected to everything, all the time. There is a phrase in the context of social and hybrid community management known as...

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Blog: The Hand Speaks

The Grace of Handwriting: Soul Drawings It is the physiological nature of our being that what the hand offers reaches back to the psychical current of the mind. In the journey of drawing, learning the way of The Seeing Hand, I was studying the treasury of master...

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Blog: The Draft of Horror

Designing Identities for Scary Storytelling | Gruesome Design for Films I was talking to a young aficionado of typography and the lettering arts, as well as a connoisseur of scary movies, and we talked about logos for horror movies. And, to quote, “why is that...

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Blog: Energy is Eternal Delight

The work, the craft, the art, the energy. In a manner, much of my journey has been about where I’ve been and what I’ve seen. And what is unforgettable in my experiences with designers, craftspeople, makers and wonderers [and wanderers]. The above image from a...

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