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Search results for: brand storytelling

Blog: The Aesthetics of Aging

The Beauty of Rust Antiquity, Utility, Wabi Sabi and Beauty In one person’s eyes, as an object gets older, it cracks, it discolors — and it might rust. Okay, one approach — toss it out. Get rid of it. And contrary to that — another more classical line of thinking:...

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Blog: The Design of Shadows

DESIGNING THE SHADOW WORLD What Have You Seen of the Shadow World? In any journey, the question is never just what is on the surface, but what lies behind and beneath. It’s never about what you see in clarity alone, but what lies behind the Light. And what the Light...

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Blog: The Heart in the Hand

The hand with heart holds more I was wandering, looking down old alleys, plazas and ancient streets. And I spied an old friend. The Hamsa. خمسة | חַמְסָה The Five. I used to wear one of these in college, during another phase of talismanic connection. I lost it...

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Blog: The Mother

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY Celebrating the Mysteries of The Mother In my journey thus far, I’ve studied the hand-making of things, the creative molding process as a person driven and bidden by the magic spell of making. But that making is a deeper realm, held in the...

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Blog: Wayfinding

What is the way, found? I was thinking about this. In the context of the work that you do. And what I do. I’ve wondered about that, the character of being lost, being found. Finding your way. And there’s a part of the work that we do that is just about...

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Blog: The Turning Path

WHICH WAY, GO YOU? THE TURNING PATH THE PATH THAT TURNS, AND TURNS AGAIN. EVERY TIME, BACK TO A PLACE. SNOW IS FALLING. A DEEPER COLD EMERGES. And, in the blinding snow, the sun is so bright that the trees are lit from beneath, it’s a brilliant day. Light filled. Out...

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