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Search results for: DESIGN THE SIGNATURE

Blog: Qualia: Yves Klein International Blue, Beauty and States of Being. Examining sensation, perception, beauty and the story of the brand — human, color and otherwise

Le Saut dans le Vide (Leap into the Void); Photomontage by Harry Shunk of a performance by Yves Klein Rue Gentil-Bernard, Fontenay-aux-Roses, October 1960. When the experiencer comes to the sensing of color, even brand color, what is the grasp, the embracement of...

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Blog: What way, found?

Notes on signing, wayfinding, alphabets and recognition. When you are lost, where do you go, what do you do? You can, metaphorically, look for a sign. That might help. Or you can look at a map. They are the same thing. A sign is a map. A map is, in fact, a grouping of...

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