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Search results for: type design

Blog: The Symbolism of Archery

And the implications to brand, strategy and the target It’s been noted that, with the avid consumption and viewership of everything Jennifer Lawrence, the “Hunger Games” and Jeremy Renner’s rendering of “The Avengers” Hawkeye as a...

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Blog: windows

The symbolism of the window Thinking design / portals of storytelling / brand / story / insight. In the window to experience, you see in: in=sight. In the window to the object: circumspect — you walk around, surveil from the circumference. In the window to the...

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Blog: You are a farmer

The Metaphor of the Deeper Storytelling in Brand,  the Undercurrent of Persona; the Dodge Farmer Ad, Super Bowl The bigger allegories in archetypal positioning. Imagery, shown [above and below] from the Dodge Super Bowl ad. On Tuesday February 5th, I gave a talk on...

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Blog: I was so dirty

The waft of scent and memory — deep fragrances from the earth, the forest, dark smoke and fire I was so dirty, with scent: the power of perfume, dirt, darkness and memory Lying on my bed, in a darkened bedroom, painted a deep, raven-dark purple, I was looking at...

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Blog: Meditations on Manners

When I was in Bhutan, high in the misted Himalayan mountains, I’d spied a remote monastery and spoke to my guide, Tsewang Nidup about “getting up there.” We did get up there, like nearly every other lonely vista we aspired to summit —...

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