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Search results for: fashion

Blog: Soul Place

The Quest for Soulful Places As a designer, I find that the work on converting spaces to more meaningful places, which more often than not has to do with the very journey of what soul is supposed to be. Soul is a ancient seed sound — a voicing — for sea, and the point...

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Blog: What if you were closed?

I was trying to connect with what I thought was an open resource — a brand, an enterprise, a place, a team of people. Nope. What if you were closed all the time? [Image: a door on 30th Street | off Madison, NYC]. I tried to sync up with the team, the brand, the...

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Blog: Qualia

Qualia: Yves Klein International Blue, Beauty and States of Being. Examining Sensation[alism,] Perception, Beauty and the Story of The Brand — human, color and otherwise Le Saut dans le Vide (Leap into the Void); Photomontage by Harry Shunk of a performance by Yves...

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Blog: Surprise!

Brands that come from nowhere that surprise, alarm, and boom on the scene as spectacle. Or breeze in, quiet as the fog, a shadow of revelation. What have you seen that came on you as a surprise — out-of-the-blue, amazing, extraordinary, marvel-making and wonderment?...

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