Letters from an Eagle Scout
Notes on scouting and the meaning of the Eagle Scout legacy.

Sure, some of you are Eagle Scouts—you know the drill, the years of Scout journeying, 30-milers, 50-milers, growth in the transitioning from Tenderfoot beginnings, Second Class, First Class, the move to Star, Life and finally, the 21 merit badges–fulfillment and collection, the completion of the sash, and the service project as a contribution to community.

The First Class Emblem, a jumping point to the more significant ranks—emblazons the Fleur d’Lis—a emblem of the compass rose—which symbolizes the journey forward: onwards and upwards on the path, and the three-fold salutation in the principles of duty—to God and country, however you might treat that “finger” of the scout salute, duty to the support of others—and the duty to self in fitness in sharpened acuity and awareness.

Letters from an Eagle Scout

I was just talking to a fellow Eagle, and we shared memories, and amazingly, after 60 years, still recalling the oath, “on my honor I will do my best to do my duty…” which comes to, still observed, “to help people at all times, to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.” That comes to the core principles of the Law: “trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thirty, brave, clean and reverent.” To each, their own interpretation of how this personally applies to scout-worthy living, as in the motto: “be prepared,” and the slogan, “do a good turn daily.”

My Eagle.
Letters from an Eagle Scout

Personally, the journey for me one which led definitively into the outdoor aspects of scoutcraft, selecting sites for camping, site arrangement, tent set-up, campfire arrangement and cooking. For a longer camp set-up, woodcraft and furniture building. That would be knot-work and lashing—which comes down to a complex knot working array from shear lashing, square lashwork, tripod lashing wraps, round and diagonal lashing.

Square knotwork, from Scoutpioneering.

Letters from an Eagle Scout

This methodology of roping allows for some classically-arranged approaches to construction, bringing in knowledge of structure and using various knot techniques to merge round, square spars in 90º and 45º structural forms to make things. My more important completions were towers, three-story nearly medieval constructions.

Even Manliness, the website for men-making,
shows a set of lashing approaches.
Diagonal, here.

Letters from an Eagle Scout

Of course, lashing, and the tightening overlay strokes of frapping, are all about the careful administration of 1/4” roping that is strung on core knots.
And this is another benefit of scout craft—learning all kinds of knots.

Useful in everything.

There’s also the scouting traditions of first aid, injury and crisis management and emergency support, like CPR—and, as ever, being calm in chaos. Always be prepared. This comes out to manifest the principles of leadership that emerge. Gathering and supporting younger scouts in aiding their journey, and lends itself towards public speaking, troop commentary, commendations, awards and presentations to communities.

During my scouting times, I was studying Latin, and hence, early Roman society and the eagle came into play, as a powerful sigil.

Letters from an Eagle Scout
Aquila, 2nd century, Rome

Interestingly, my community Eagle Project was my first signage design, a Grand Avenue historical reference on the horse watering trough on that was there for the horses hauling loads up and down that Southside Hill in Spokane, Washington.

Letters from an Eagle Scout

Friend and client Scott Oki, a long term Eagle Scout
references the core principle of the Scout messaging in the title
and our cover design for his memoir: “On My Honor, I Will Do My Best.”
You can pick up a hardbound copy at Amazon.

Letters from an Eagle Scout

Scouting has changed a lot, from the elder years of the Boy Scouts of America,

Letters from an Eagle Scout

the 1911 Handbook, an all-boys organization, to the broader,
more open premise, still on the same principles for all youth.

Letters from an Eagle Scout

I still keep my badge around.
And I remember my pathway to where I am today.
The knot is a recurrent symbol in my life.

Letters from an Eagle Scout

As a constant scout,
I am prepared to help.

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for my troop, 313, Spokane, Washington

Letters from an Eagle Scout