Exploring social networking tools in building sharing communities: blogging and direct selling relationships.

We worked with Kajeet‘s founder, Daniel Neal, to build out the opening of a brand proposition for a children’s mobile phone technology a couple of years back. The real point to the work comes down to simple stuff, that wraps around amazingly easy access to the technology and a virtually plan free paradigm; rather than being wrapped up in the confusing labyrinth of excessive plans, it’s about putting the technology in the hands of as many relationships as can be built. And there’s a new patterning emerging in creating community that starts at the top, the mothers of possible mobile users — building a pyramidal communication structure that will help share, and grow, and sell the premise — and live the promise. That sense of brand reflectivity is something that Girvin’s been preaching for a while — that the notion of consumer, or guest, relationships isn’t one way, it’s a two-way, mirrored gifting. One gift begets another; and a user, in loving the brand, gives back to their ring of friends. That obvious trend is linked to the nature of storytelling sharing that is extant in the threading of the weaving of communities in Facebook; Twitter lives on the string of ever-rippling networks of storytelling.

It’s about loving, and living, the brand. And loving, and living, the sharing of brand experiences. Kajeet’s taken that idea of shared community to heart. That story, for example, relates to the idea of working at the apex of consumer connection, for kids, in their mothers — and that steadfast drive to assure they’re well taken care of, protected and watched, even remotely (GPS Kajeet). Kajeet’s strategy relates to building Mommy blogging communities, to build brand stories. Working in the context of Kajeet’s responsive modeling of “the program’s flexible hours and the way the company let parents limit when and how their children’s phones are used. There were also no upfront costs or quotas, like some direct sales jobs.” This shared network, for moms, turns out to be a selling network, as well. For decades, Avon, Mary Kay and others realized the power of the networking community of mothers sharing their experiences with brands — and potentially selling them. The wireless industry stood on the sidelines, reflectively presuming that their programs were simply too complicated, and needed to be sold by expert retail sales teams.

Moms literally tell stories and build community based on the presumption of having “true stories” told that will further enliven the authentic building of relationships, loyalty and trusting groups. Carol Politi, Kajeet’s SVP of corporate and business development says that their team is about 15 moms, but it could grow — if appropriately managed — to 100 or more blogging “agents”. The direct relationship selling modeling, founded on storytelling blog content, works with a selling site set up for each mother. Clients are found in networks, online, built on blogging commentary with Twitter and Craigslist. While the opening interception came from using BSM Media, to find moms, it will soon be opening up the selling networks to any parent, posting forms at Kajeet’s website. This communal development will extend, in that mothers will be able to recruit other moms — not only to sell the story to, but to build on the story and sales, through others.

The current modeling for Kajeet’s sales is wholly online — enlisting mothers for support, and added sales, will create a product and corporate face that other moms can relate to.

Really, it’s about building the story, showing truth, being authentically connected to community and vitalizing the relationships with groundswell movement. For us, it is, as well, about longevity. That the story is ignited at the beginning — in our search for the truth that lies within — and building on that: “Girvin’s team helped kajeet rapidly emerge from a business plan to a trusted brand that is still working well for us today — the spirit of our story has continued to evolve with the market — and the essential framing of our brand, its visual presence, our sense of style, still resonates with our ever-growing community. kajeet loves Girvin.” Daniel Neal, founder, Kajeet.

True Brands

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