In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes

These days, the idea of an anniversary is the search for legacy

and there are many that are searching for legacies, threads, reaching back to the soul of earlier years, when another degree of artfulness, more robust storytelling, a new flavoring of history that can, conceivably reach to another demography.
Interestingly enough, Campbell’s soup has reached back to an interpretation of brand legacy — an artist that took a look at an icon, and rebuilt it into a pop art icon. How many, however, actually align, in their perceptions of the brand, the graphical legend of Warhol’s interpretation with the product — probably not many, but more importantly, it’s about the idea of recounting, retracing, finding again, the threads that lead back to pivotal moments — or interpreted momentum, in time, story, foundation, attention and intention.

The momentum — the rolling movement and the interpretation of time [instances and actions,] the foundation of the story — [building legend,] listening and attentiveness — and linking back to the beginnings: the intentionality of the first instance — why begin?

The beginning is the interpretation of the brand as a iconic fixture.

In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes
In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes
In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes

People have heart, love, warmth and a willingness to share; to exchange —
they make things that connect to other people,
to make them happier.
Brands are right there.
They live right there, in the human space, the love place.

More, here, below.

tim | nyc
Girvin strategies of memory +
enchantment = audience engagement