I was talking to a girl.

 I was talking to a girl. As I listened -- she told me a story, it was about her life.

As I listened — she told me a story, it was about her life.
And I told an other — a story, about her story, to another.
And then another, that came from the one story, became another story.

I was talking to a girl. As I listened — she told me a story, it was about her life. And I told another. And then she — another.

Isn’t it like that — you reach to someone, there’s the beginning of a telling; maybe it’s a hint or a whisper, a glimmer – then that story spreads in mind, and there’s another?
You hear a story and you carry that story — in a way, that becomes your story, but it makes you think of another, that’s a threading from that story — then another floats on the wind of the telling.

Stories are like flags in the wind — when there’s a breeze, the uplifting of the telling — more revelations are made — you can see more, and carry it home, in mind and memory. The flag becomes a banner, the story becomes the bridge to the structuring of how you carry it, that telling, that moment — the momentum of instance and re-telling.

Sharing happens.

Meaning deepens.

Tim | Pike Place Studios | Girvin Seattle